Both the Legion of Honor and de Young are open to the public. Please read our safety guidelines.
This lecture addresses the question of how ancient peoples conceived or expressed a sense of their own national identity. In the polyglot and multicultural world of the Mediterranean, the values and features that gave identity to a group were constantly in flux and evolving. The construct of a collective identity depends on distinguishing one’s own nation or culture from that of the “Other,” a form of denigration or demonization of the “alien” in order to establish distinctiveness and superiority. Such conceptualizing and stereotyping led Greeks to disparage “barbarians,” Jews to deprecate gentiles, Egyptians to scorn lesser societies, and Romans to presume divine sanction for subordinating all inferior peoples to themselves. The lecture, however, endeavors to see another side to this story and to tease out of the texts signs of a more open-minded attitude in which ancient peoples saw themselves as part of a larger cultural heritage, in which they stressed links with others and even couched their own historical memories in terms of a past (often legendary) borrowed or appropriated from other societies. That is what I term “identity theft.”
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November 5, 2011 at 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Identity Theft in the Ancient Mediterranean
Florence Gould Theater, Legion of Honor
Presented by Dr. Erich Gruen Gladys Rehard Wood Professor of History and Classics Emeritus, University of California, Berkeley
Lecture is free and open to the public: Donations are always welcome