Both the Legion of Honor and de Young are open to the public. Please read our safety guidelines.
This lecture examines the evolution and achievement of the art of Greek jewelry from the dawn of Hellenic civilization to the present. Jewelry has always been greatly appreciated and worn by men and women, the rich and poor, and even accompanied the deceased to the grave. Since antiquity, Greek jewelry enjoyed exceptional workmanship in its opulence, iconography, and creativity, and the tradition continues through today.
Cosponsored by the San Francisco Auxiliary of the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco and Consulate General of Greece in San Francisco.
Pre-lecturre luncheon at noon in the Piazzoni Murals Room. Lunch is $50.00 and includes a reserved seat for the lecture. Unreserved seats for the lecture, without lunch, are complimentary but cannot be guaranteed and will be first come first served.
Please R.S.V.P. by Thursday, 10 April. Please make check payable to: Ancient Art Council, Legion of Honor, 100 - 34th Avenue, Lincoln Park, San Francisco, CA 94121.
Reservations will be held at the door. Your check is your guarantee for your reservation. No R.S.V.P. is required for unreserved lecture seats.
About Programs at the Ancient Art Council
Programs are varied and include such activities as lectures by noted archaeologists, museum curators, and ancient art historians; exclusive tours of the Museum’s permanent collection and special exhibitions; fund-raising events; and travel programs to ancient sites and other museums. Members also receive invitations from related organizations to attend lectures ad exhibition openings. Your annual membership dues and contributions will assist in furthering the Ancient Art collection at the Fine Arts Museums.
April 16, 2008 at 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Greek Jewelry in Space and Time
Koret Auditorium, de Young
Presented by Lila de Chaves Ethnologist, Benaki Museum, Athens
Lecture free to the public; lunch $50 per person