Both the Legion of Honor and de Young are open to the public. Please read our safety guidelines.
This lecture presents the evidence for the origins of athletics and games in the prehistoric and early historic periods of ancient Greece. Boys box and horse-driven chariots run off to victory. These are the early traditions and foundation of the major contests and festivals of the Classical period, that in turn, provide the inspiration for much of our modern competitive sport. Through religious ritual, social positioning, and the epic tradition of Homer, athletics and competition become a popular and essential component of the ancient Greek world.
About Programs at the Ancient Art Council
Programs are varied and include such activities as lectures by noted archaeologists, museum curators, and ancient art historians; exclusive tours of the Museum’s permanent collection and special exhibitions; fund-raising events; and travel programs to ancient sites and other museums. Members also receive invitations from related organizations to attend lectures ad exhibition openings. Your annual membership dues and contributions will assist in furthering the Ancient Art collection at the Fine Arts Museums.
October 13, 2012 at 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
"And off They Go": Athletics and Games in Early Greece
Florence Gould Theater, Legion of Honor
Presented by Dr. Kim Shelton Assistant Professor, Classics, and Director of Nemea Center for Classical Archaeology, University of California at Berkeley
Free / AAC members; suggested donation $5 / non-AAC members